Understanding Natural Immunity against Malaria: Mechanisms, Implications, and Future Directions Arionget Jemima Department of Pharmacoepidemeology Kampala International University Uganda Email: jemima.arionget@studwc.kiu.ac.ug ABSTRACT Malaria remains a significant...
Patient Teaching Plan for Type II Diabetes: Addressing Genetic Predisposition and Hypertension Taliikwa Nicholas Ceaser Department of Pharmacognosy Kampala International University Uganda Email: ceaser.taliikwa@studwc.kiu.ac.ug ABSTRACT Type II diabetes,...
Assessing the Potential Dangers of Cell Phone Use to Human Health: A Review of the Evidence on Cancer Risk Zakaria Ali Department of Pharmacy Kampala International University Uganda Email:ali.zakaria@studwc.kiu.ac.ug ABSTRACT Cell phones have become ubiquitous in...
Sex Disparities in Cancer Immunotherapy: A Review Mpora Kakwanzi Evelyn Department of Pharmacognosy Kampala International University Uganda Email: evelyne.mpora@studwc.kiu.ac.ug ABSTRACT Cancer immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment, particularly through...
Brain Tumor Immunotherapy: Current Advances and Future Prospects Twesigye Davis Department of Pharmacognosy Kampala International University Uganda Email: twesigyedavis@studwc.kiu.ac.ug ABSTRACT Malignant brain tumors, particularly gliomas and glioblastoma multiforme...
Renewed Insight into Cancer Mechanism and Therapy: Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions Ivan Mutebi Department of Pharmacognosy Kampala International University Uganda Email: ivan.mutebi@studwc.kiu.ac.ug...